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Our Vision

Transform obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis and management through the development of an AI-powered point-of-care diagnostic platform that enables more healthcare providers in more settings to provide convenient, cost-effective, accurate, and actionable results in real-time.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower healthcare providers with new diagnostic capabilities at the point of care.

Our Team

Perry Mansfield, MD Co-founder, President, and Chief Medical Officer

Perry Mansfield, MD; Co-founder, President, and Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Mansfield is Director of Skull Base Surgery / Head and Neck Oncology and Fellowship Director at Senta Clinic. Dr. Mansfield has extensive experience in Sleep apnea surgical management in complex airway surgeries. He has operated on over 12,000 patients and has innovated many techniques. He has presented extensively nationally and internationally and is a regular invited expert guest lecturer. He has been Chairman of four Head and Neck Oncology programs.

Chris Studer Chief Business Officer

Chris Studer; Chief Business Officer

Mr. Studer is a serial entrepreneur with a track-record of delivering product and service innovation along with increased sales, operating income, market penetration and customer service levels. He has built and led startup teams in technology, education, financial services, and life sciences.

Hooman Sedghamiz, MS Head of AI/ML Development

Hooman Sedghamiz, MS; Head of AI/ML Development

Mr. Sedghamiz has a deep-seated expertise in AI and ML applied to life sciences. He has led teams and projects that enhance medical products,including implantable and wearable devices. Mr. Sedghamiz has led data science projects from inception through to commercialization, managed cross-functional teams, and bridged the gap between medical and healthcareapplications through MLOps, LlmOps, and DL product management.

Ross Mandeville, MD Director, Clinical Development

Ross Mandeville, MD; Director of Clinical Development

Dr. Mandeville is a clinician-scientist trained inneuromuscular neurology, neurophysiology, and clinical research, with experience across the translational spectrum from bench to bedside. He transitioned from clinical academic practice to a productive and translational research path that intersects the innovation and application of state-of-the-art quantitative neurophysiological and neuromuscular imaging approaches.

Board & Advisors

S. Wayne Kay, MBA Independent Director

S. Wayne Kay, MBA; Independent Director

Mr. Kay is a 40-year veteran of clinical diagnostic / medical device industry as an entrepreneur / CEO including Glaxo SmithKline Diagnostics, Quidel, Response Biomedical and CardioNexus.

Robert Feeney, MBA Independent Director

Robert Feeney, MBA; Independent Director

Mr. Feeney is a serial entrepreneur who has successfully founded, commercialized and exited multiple technology-enabled healthcare services businesses including ISL, Inc., Pyxis Corporation, and Medvantx.

Atul Malhotra, MD Advisor/Consultant

Atul Malhotra, MD; Advisor/Consultant

Dr. Malhotra provides guidance and expertise for our scientific and clinical activities pending the hiring of Chief Scientific Officer. Dr. Malhotra is Vice Chair of Medicine for Research and Endowed Professor in Respiratory Medicine and Research Chief in Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine and Physiology at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He runs a large NIH funded laboratory with over 700 peer-reviewed publications (>425 original) since 2000. field.

Shamim Nemati, PhD Advisor/Consultant

Shamim Nemati, PhD; Advisor/Consultant

Dr. Nemati serves as consultant and advisor focused on the development of our AI-powered diagnostic platform. Dr. Nemati is Director of Predictive Health Analytics and Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics at UCSD. Dr. Nemati is an internationally acknowledged expert in clinical predictive modeling. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2013, followed by two years of postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.


PMI is pioneering the use of electromyography (EMG) as the central component in the first and only AI-powered multi-modal point-of-care sleep apnea diagnostic test (AIMS-Dx). Our proprietary end-to-end platform integrates two innovations developed by PMI:

Transmembranous EMG (tmEMG) Probe

First-of-its-kind technology uses non-invasive EMG sensors and instruments to assess neuromuscular function in membranous and sensitive anatomical locations by recording diagnostic-quality EMG signals from muscles. The first and only validated membranous electrode-based EMG device with diagnostic equivalence to the gold standard intramuscular needle electrode.


First-of-its-kind deep learning model and algorithm that uses upper airway muscle EMG data acquired using the tmEMG probe along with other clinical data elements such as images (photos and video) and EHR data to automatically detect OSA and identify multimodal biomarkers at the point-of-care for use in the diagnosis and management of OSA.

Clinical Validation of tmEMG

MUSCLE & NERVE cover, Vol.65 / No. 3 / March 2022 MUSCLE & NERVE article: Pilot study of a novel transmembranous electromyography device for assessment of oral cavity and oropharyngeal muscles

OSA Neuromuscular Function White Paper

The role of neuromuscular function in sleep apnea pathogenesis and management: A consensus of experts

White paper co-authored by KOL panel members published in Frontiers in Sleep demonstrates how our technology could change the diagnostic paradigm in OSA and improve patient care and outcomes.